Here is an exclusive look at the TT$14 million panyard for the Desperadoes Steel Orchestra which has been homeless for several years, but which was gifted this piece of real estate at 25 Nelson Street in Port of Spain. When completed it will be the first steelband facility of its kind, anywhere in the world, occupying one and a half acres of land. Take a tour with me below: Under construction new Desperadoes Panyard
Wayne “Bumpy” Inniss at New York J’Ouvert Wayne “Bumpy” Inniss with Despers USA The late Captain of Despers USA on Bass Related content: WST extends condolences... 2018 New York Panorama Champion - Despers USA Steel Orchestra - “Year For Love” - video Solo Harmonites Steel Orchestra steel pan music veterans - Wayne “Bumpy” Inniss is fifth from right.
James Clarkson April 21st When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist James Clarkson James Clarkson was born in Grenada on 21 April 1943 and has had a distinguished lifelong career in music with early exposure at the age of 12. He later joined the band of the Royal Grenada Police Force, appeared on stage with his father’s band, and by 17 was a member of the band of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force as lead arranger and first trumpet player. By 23 years of age, he was the Director of Music of the band of the Royal Grenada Police Force, and soon became the arranger for the very successful Republic Bank Angel Harps Steel Orchestra , a post he still holds today. The Officers and Ranks of the Royal, Grenada Police Force (R.G.P.F.) take this opportunity to thank Commissioner James Clarkson OBE, QPM, Lmus, F. Sci, for his invaluable contribution to to the R.G.P.F and to wish him a healthy and productive retirement. James Clarkson with daughter Ayana Panorama Championships Gr
Happy Birthday to Charles Dick March 11th When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist Charles Dick Charles Dick with Desperadoes Steel Orchestra at NY City Hall (1987) Charles Dick with Desperadoes Steel Orchestra at NY Carnegie Hall (1987) Charles Dick with Desperadoes Steel Orchestra at Harlem’s Apollo Theater (1987) Charles Dick with New York's D'Radoes Steel Orchestras - Like Ah Boss Relevant content Desperadoes’ Great New York Triumph Charles Dick in Pictures
Leslie S. Howard (Lus) When Steel Talks extends our sincere condolences to the family and friends of D'Radoes panist Angela Howard on the passing of her father - Leslie S. Howard (Lus) Hell Cats Steelband - with Leslie S. Howard - mid 1950s - image provided by Lincoln DePradine
This is a listing of addresses of active Pan Yard locations for the overall Panorama season - of public-facing steel orchestras in New York, and one in Philadelphia - along with contact information where available, for the summer of 2023. The list will be revised as data becomes available. See complete list
Karen Codrington matriarch of the Codrington Pan Family “It is very challenging juggling the different roles as a house-wife, mom, and musician. For example, sometimes I might be practicing at the pan yard while at the same time worrying about the pile of dirty clothes at home. Taking care of a family of 8 is no easy task but what makes it easier is the help of the rest of the family.” -- Karen Codrington She lives it, talks it and walks it full time - 24-7-365. She is one of the world's most successful steelpan parents. A panist and drummer in her own right, she oversees eight accomplished musicians. Share the real life of the matriarch of the Codrington’s Karen Codrington—in her own words—in a When Steel Talks exclusive. See more Relevant Content Meet Karen Codrington of Trinidad & Tobago Saying Goodbye to Karen Codrington of The Codrington Pan Family The Codrington Pan Family Pave the Way at SXSW Interactive
Caspar Durant Happy Birthday to Caspar Durant March 14th When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist Caspar Durant “I grew up in Tripoli pan yard at the corner of Dengue and Finland Street in St James from the age of six months old in 1952, and lived there playing pan with them from 1959 till we went to Montreal Canada (Man and his world) in 1967. “I started playing Tenor pan on the road for carnival in 1959, though I was only seven years old and in those days it was pan round the neck, I was able to do so because my Dad Caspar Durant Senior would hold the pan for me and chip backwards all day while I played the pan with just the strap around my neck. “As mentioned above, I left Trinidad
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