Miami University Steel Band with Special Guest Andre White

Andre White

Andre White’s name is synonymous with excellent in Steelpan. Whether arranging popular music for a 100-person orchestra, Composing the abundance of life-force in a jazz trio or left with the instrument alone on stage, White’s music is unmistakable in impact. It’s simple to call someone “prodigy” when they begin to teach themselves music at the age of 6; when he began playing with Long-Island based ADLIB Steel Orchestra. From those humble beginnings, he has become a 3-time Champion in the Annual WIADCA Steelband Panorama, a 3-time UK Panorama and a Finalist in TNT Panorama Competitions. Recording with artists like Etienne Charles and even releasing his own album (Liberation), White adds clout to his credential as a Berklee Alumnus. In recent months, Andre won the International Pan Ramajay Soloist category hosted by Republic Bank Exodus. His talent is such that hearing him perform, even once, will change the way your perceive clarity and fluidity on the instrument- his victories are a whisper of the larger story.  

Time: April 14, 2023 from 7:30pm to 10pm

Location: Hall Auditorium
Street: 101 S. Campus Ave.
City/Town: Oxford, OH 45056
Website or Map:…
Event Type: concert
Organized By: Miami University Steel Band

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