Carnival will come early in St. James as Traditional Carnival characters take over St. James. Characters like Baby Dolls, Perriot Gerenades, Bats, Devil Mas, Fancy Indians, Fancy Sailors. Jab Jabs, Dame Lorraines, Minstrels, Clowns, Moko Jumbies and many more will converge at the St. James Amphitheatre & Park, Western Main Road, St. James, as the St. James Social And Cultural Committee in collaboration with the National Carnival Commission Regional Carnival stages its Traditional Ole Time Competition. In addition to the above, there will be more than fifteen (15) categories open to both junior and senior masqueraders. The event, almost twenty five (25) years since its inception, is carded for Wednesday February 08, starting time 7:00 pm. Admission is free. Open to school children, individuals and groups, the Carnival staple brings the historical element of the Festival to the fore. Registration for both adults and children is free and can be done at either at Crosby’s S