New York’s Steel Orchestras come together to showcase their WOMEN OF STEEL


New York Women in Steel 2003

The year is 2003 and the New York Steel orchestras all show up for the When Steel Talks Woman’s Month Calendar photo-shoot...

When Steel Talks - Looking back 20 Years Ago... WST NY Women in Pan Photo Shoot... 

Their Story, Their Voice, Their Life, Their Dreams, Their Passion Celebration of Women and the Steelpan Art Form 

With full support from their male counterparts and in an unprecedented spirit of business cooperation, sisterhood, and “pan fraternity,” the New York Pan world came together to feature their women, fully cognizant of their marketing and advertising value in today’s business and entertainment scene. It is also in step with being ready for the upcoming month of March 2003 designated as Women’s Month 

see spotlight  #WomensHistoryMonth #SteelpanMusicExcellence


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