When Steel Talks (WST) extends Happy Birthday greetings to composer, educator, performing artist, arranger and panist Kendall Williams

Kendall Williams

October 28th

When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist Kendall

Kendall Williams, having been born around the Trinbagonian (Trinidad & Tobago) culture, has adopted the country's national instrument, the steel pan. From as early as the age of four, Kendall made efforts to mimic his parents as they displayed their talents in a Miami-based steel band. It wasn't long before his efforts turned into a reality as he developed his skills and passion for the instrument. As he got older his passion brought out a connection to music and he was able to perform with large, world-renowned steel orchestras in Trinidad and Tobago as well as bands in the New York based scene for many years.

Carnegie Hall Citywide: Pan in Motion with Asphalt Orchestra at Bryant Park - "To Jam too"

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