When Steel Talks (WST) extends Happy Birthday greetings to scholar, educator, panist and champion arranger Cordel Byam



Cordel Byam

October 23rd

When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist Cordel Byam

“He made me develop an ear for music” Cordel says of Edwards, likening the latter’s style to that of the late Master Clive Bradley and the iconic Len “Boogsie” Sharpe. They are also his key steelband influences along with the late legend Dr. Jit Samaroo. Cordel learned well, as evidenced from the results of his first entry into the country’s national Panorama this year. He made his musical mark definitively as his arrangement of Trouble In The Morning and the band’s scintillating performance of it led to New Dimension Steel Orchestra being crowned champions in the country’s 2019 Panorama competition.


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