Carnival, Panorama launches on November 5, 6 -- 12 large bands going into finals and 12 medium bands going into the final


Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

2020 Panorama champs - Desperadoes playing ‘More Sokah’ at the Queen's Park Savannah.

Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Trinidad and Tobago’s Carnival is scheduled to be launched on November 5 at the Queen’s Park Savannah and, quickly on the heels of that, Pan Trinbago is expected to launch Panorama 2023 on November 6 at Massy Trinidad All Stars pan theatre, Duke Street, Port of Spain.

The launch will take place from 5.30 pm on that day.

....In a phone interview, Pan Trinbago’s president Beverley Ramsey-Moore said the body was very excited going into the 60th anniversary of Panorama.

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