Reboot -- Victor ‘Babu’ Samuel – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold, for meritorious performance in Music

The Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda extends heartiest congratulations to Victor "Babu" Samuel for achieving this most deserving national award. #RPFAB #forceofexcellence

Victor ‘Babu’ Samuel – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold, for meritorious performance in Music

Born on April 19th 1958, Victor Samuel spent his early years growing up in Church Lane in the City of St. John’s. In 1966 he moved with his family to the Grays Farm Community. Young Victor experienced primary school at the St. John’s Boy’s School, where inspired by his musician uncle, Mr. Pat King, he was drawn to membership in the school’s steel band in 1971. As his educational experience advanced to the Antigua Grammar School, his interest in pan music did not wane.

He enlisted in the Supa Stars Steel Band which was led by Mr. Cornell Brookes and had made his secondary school its home. This was where he also got his nickname Babu. African in origin, the elders in the Steel Band, selected the name for him in recognition of his willingness to follow their instructions and to quickly run any errand he was given. The name stuck and has now been officially passed on to his son, Victor Babu Samuel Jr. who is a cultural artiste in his own right.

Victor’s first pan arrangement became a reality when he relocated to Bolans Village in 1975 and joined the South Stars Steel Band. The Band performed creditably with a 4th place finish in the Panorama Competition for that year’s carnival.
On reflection, 1976 would prove to be a pivotal year in the life of ‘Babu’. He joined the Halcyon Steel Orchestra while still being a member of Supa Stars but made a complete commitment to his new band in that same year. The relationship would last for forty-three (43) years before his retirement and subsequent recall this year to play with the band in the street parade.

Babu’s influence on the Halcyon Steel Orchestra grew and he was soon appointed as Captain and Arranger. Under his direction the Steel Orchestra were declared Panorama Winners in 1986, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2008 and 2010. Captain and Arranger Babu is very quick to add however, that he did not accomplish this feat alone.

He speaks of a turning point in the life of the band in 1978 when renown Trinidadian pannist Len ‘Boogsie’ Sharpe was brought to Antigua and Barbuda to arrange for Halcyon. When Len heard Babu play he was so impressed that he promised take him to Trinidad so that Trinidadians could realize that other good musicians existed besides themselves.

This promise was kept when Babu travelled to Trinidad in 1981 and 1982. Since then he has become quite well known and even took up the challenge of being the Driller or Practice Master for the Curepe Scherzando Steel Band in Trinidad.

Following his employment on a Cruise Ship in Miami, Victor’s musical knowledge excelled. He met many college students who had music degrees who peppered him with questions about the theory related to pan music. When he explained that he played from instinct and by ear, one college student offered to explain the theory of what Babu was already doing.

Victor acknowledges the fact that once he was able to connect the theory and the practical components of his music, his career took off positively. He soon developed a very strong lover for jazz and transformed his pan pieces into jazz style. During the five years spent living in New York City, his gigs described as Pan Jazz were very well received by a wide range of audiences. Being a true pannist, even in New York Babu could not resist the invitation to became the Captain of a Trinidad steel band called ‘Moods Pan Groove’ with Len ‘Boogsie’ Sharpe as the arranger.

In 1989, Victor Samuel became the first Antiguan and Barbuda to arrange for a band in Trinidad Panorama – Tunapuna Pan Symphony. While they did not make it to the final list, they progressed almost halfway to the top.

2010 saw a career change for Babu the Panman, He became Victor Samuel the Police Officer. He has worked hard and moved up the ranks and presently serves as a Sergeant in the Police Band. Once again, he could not leave his pan and became the first person to introduce pan in the Police Band, which now boasts a full pan section.

At the community level, Babu served as Drill Master for East Vibes in 2017 and 2018 and most recently for the Original Steel Orchestra which practices close to his residence in Cassada Gardens.

When asked what drives him, Sergeant Samuel will say ‘My life is dedicated to the art form of pan; I am a very strict disciplinarian and I believe that one should have manners for their elders’.

His advice to the youths; ‘learn to play pan, it will keep you off the streets and out of trouble. To get the most from the art form however, one must have manners and discipline which is mandatory in any pan yard. Pan will only survive if our youths are seriously dedicated to the art form’

Sergeant Victor Babu Samuel is married. He has three surviving children.
Victor ‘Babu’ Samuel – Governor General’s Faithful and Meritorious Service Medal – Gold, for meritorious performance in Music

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