Remembering the late Martin Douglas - Manager, Executive, Panist - MAY 3RD, 1948 - MARCH 31, 2020

The history of Pan is replete with large, colorful figures whose names and deeds will be entwined with steelband music art form forever. Martin “Dougie” Douglas was one such character.

Whether you were a child or an adult, you only had to meet him once to understand why the name “Dougie” was known to all, and that he immediately made you feel like you had known him for a lifetime. It takes a very special person to run a steelband organization in New York. And indeed Dougie was special. He was always able, willing to help, always positive regardless of the situation, and always viewed the glass as half-full. Dougie was one who was close to the late Rudolph Charles, and himself was pivotal in a way—unbeknownst to many—that shaped the New York pan community into what it is today.

In an exclusive 2004 interview with When Steel Talks - Martin Douglas demonstrated his gift for storytelling and a stellar memory attention to details of historical events.


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