EBJ Harmonics Steel Orchestra wins St. Kitts & Nevis National Carnival Panorama championship - 3Peat


EBJ Harmonics Steel Orchestra wins Panorama championship

EBJ Harmonics Steel Orchestra, the SugarMa51 Panorama Champions!

Here are the results:

WINNER: 259 Points
Island Flavours EBJ Harmonics Steel Orchestra
King Short Shirt - No Body Go Run Me

1st Runner-up: 239 Points
Young Vibrations Steel Orchestra
King Konris - Jumping Up Again

2nd Runner-up: 226 points
Poinciana Rhythmz Steel Orchestra
Kes - Savannah Grass

3rd Runner-Up: 219 Points
Oualie Rhythms Steel Orchestra
Voice - Out and Bad

The Panorama title was worth 15,000 EC dollars 

The Panorama Criteria
The Arrangement – 40 points
General Performance - 40 points
Tone - 10 points
Rhythm - 10 points
TOTAL - 100 points


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