In Photo from left – Steve Regis, Elton “Smokey” John, Herman Colins, Conrad Hunte, unknown, unknown, Sidney Portier, Hugh Borde, unknown, In 1964, The Trinidad and Tobago National Steelband performed at the Moral Re-Armament Conference at Mackinac Island, Michigan. Maybe it was serendipity that caused Bahamian born American actor Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) to be present at one of the band’s performances while he was visiting his daughter, who was attending the conference. He was so overwhelmed with the music that he insisted on meeting the players. As can be seen in the photo, the meeting brought great joy to Poitier (with pan sticks in hand) and all the musicians. See complete article Relevant content To Sir With Love - Royal Bahamas Defence Force pays tribute to Sir Sidney Poitier - When Steel Talks Who Am I? A Breakdown Of George “Sonny” Goddard’s Accomplishments Remembering the late Dr. Clifford Alexis - arranger, tuner, panist and member of the 1964 ‘Trinidad & To...
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