When Steel Talks (WST) extends Happy Birthday greetings to performing artist and panist Jahlani Andrew Roberts

Jahlani Andrew Roberts

October 21st

When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist Jahlani Andrew Roberts

In a relatively short time Jahlani has developed into a surefire triple threat - performer, educator and administrator with the steelpan as his center and focal point. He is armed with solid expectations. And as part of his “World of Steelpan,” a phrase he has coined, Jahlani says “I have some big, big dreams... I would love to see a steelpan Hall of Fame one day. Something that validates our history and legitimizes us. Something that gives the future something to work towards - like, “I want to make the Hall of Fame!”...”

Pan Man The Musical featuring Jahlani Roberts

Jahlani Roberts - UpClose - A When Steel Talks Exclusive

Jahlani Roberts as Lypo in Pan Man The Musical


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