Steelbands Set for St. Lucia Panorama 2022

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Castries, St. Lucia, W.I. - Participating steel orchestras in this year’s Panorama Competition announced that they are excited and ready for this year’s competition, set to take place this Sunday, July 10 at the SAB in Vigie.

A total of five bands will compete in the following order: #1 - Laborie Steel Pan; #2 - Pantastic Muzik Steel Orchestra; #3 - Pantime Steel Orchestra; #4 - Babonneau Steel Orchestra; #5 - SM Steel.

Arranger for reigning champions Babonneau Steel Orchestra, Allison Marquis, said “We’ve been practicing since we heard that there would be a return to Saint Lucia Carnival 2022 and we’re working hard to defend our championship.....”
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