When Steel Talks (WST) extends Happy Birthday greetings to veteran panman, educator, scholar, arranger and performing artist Rudy 'Two Left' Smith

Rudy 'Two Left' Smith 

“In a career spanning six decades, alto steelpan player Rudy Smith has built a reputation exploring and bridging the world of Jazz with his native instrument, the steelpan; finding in each a sincere spirit of musical expression”

Born on 15 June 1943 in Port of Spain, Trinidad, Rudy “Two Left” Smith migrated to Denmark in 1968 and established an impregnable niche as the impresario who introduced Pan-Jazz to the Diaspora, while simultaneously honing his unique style by embracing the great Jazz luminaries - Milt Jackson, Bobby Hutcherson, Oscar Peterson and John Coltrane.

(See bio)


Rudy Smith Quartet performing at Moods im Schiffbau 
Zürich, Switzerland. 
21st November 2007 

Rudy Smith - Steelpan 
Chris Wiesendanger - Grand Piano 
Jonas Tauber - Contrabass 
Dieter Ulrich - Drums 
Video by Peter Krüsi

Modern Sound Corporation Live 1978 - with Rudy Smith

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