100 steelpan players play for Her Majesty at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - arranger André White

One hundred steelpan players drawn from four of the UK’s top steel bands will play for Her Majesty at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations at Buckingham Palace on Sunday 5 June.

The combined steel band will be formed of 25 players from each of the four bands: Ebony Steelband, Mangrove Steel Orchestra, Croydon Steel Orchestra and Metronomes. Appropriately, in the centenary year of the Grandmaster’s birth, the music will be Pan in A Minor and London is the Place for Me by the late Lord Kitchener (Aldwyn Roberts), arranged by Andre White. Pans will be tuned by Birch Kelman and Dudley Dickson, and the musical director for the performance is to be Leon ‘Foster’ Thomas.

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