When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist, composer, champion arranger, educator and performing artist Robert Greenidge


Robert Greenidge

April 28th

When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist Robert Greenidge

Simply one of the greatest to have ever touched the instrument. There is no other like the man with the velvet touch - Champion panorama arranger, recording and performing artist, panist extraordinaire - Robert Greenidge,,, He has rubbed shoulders with many of the greatest musicians of all time - Earth, Wind and Fire, Ralph MacDonald, John Lennon and Grover Washington Jr. to name a few and has left an indelible impression of his uncommon greatness and all that of the steelpan instrument on their musical psychic.

In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks this passionate, humble, renown, musically-gifted and deep thinking icon shares a part of his path to world wide prominence.

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All the best to you, always professional and humble...


Happy Birthday Maestro, may God continue to bless you with many more healthy and prosperous birthdays. Enjoy your day.

Best wishes on your Birthday Bro.


May you continue to be Blessed with an Abundant Supply of Creative Compositions. Have a Happy Birthday and thanks for continuing to showcase the Artform - PAN.


Happy Birthday Robert, wishing you many more healthy and happy ones.

Love, Holly, Jenny & Kendall


happy birthday to you Robert, may God richly bless you and may you continue with all your heart`s desires..



happy birthday to Rober , my Steel pan Solist,


Happy Birthday Robert.

Many more for you.



  Merle Albino-de Coteau

  Happy Birthday Robbie. May I take this opportunity  on behalf of the  Albino Family, to wish you all God' s richest Blessings. Keep up your good work.


have a wonderful birthday Robbie enjoy a great day with many more to come


Happy birthday and best wishes in the coming years.

As always, Holly and Jenny





Happy Birthday Robert..Hope you have an excellent day and many more to come.


Big up to the De Man.

Celebration Time...

Robert Greenidge - Tan Tan

Frankie Francis on sax solo.



Happy Birthday, Robbie.
Keep sharing your gift wit the world.
Just reading your name brings back a great flood of pleasant memories.



Happy Birthday, Robbie.
Keep sharing your gift wit the world.
Just reading your name brings back a great flood of pleasant memories.



Happy Birthday Robbie God's Blessing for many more years.


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