Starlift Steel Orchestra "I Feel Pretty" (1963) arranged by Ray Holman

Here is some additional information on the performers on this recording. This is an incomplete list that we will update shortly... WST

Tenors: Daryl ..., Keith Agard (deceased), Ray Holman, David "Splav" Waddell, Ron Emrit, .. "Mouther Bee" Phillips (deceased). Double Second: ... Harris, "Johno" Brown, Errol Brown, Clyde "Sugars" Wellington. Guitars: Ian Jones, Selwyn Sharpe, Michael Phillips, "Shine" .... (deceased). Bass: Eddie Boom ..., ... Iron: Carlton "MyFan" Drayton (deceased), Albert "Philo" James (Captain), .. Stoute
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Comment by Trevor Leiba on March 16, 2019 at 7:18pm
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Very nice!  I remember this.  

Comment by Derek George Barrow on November 19, 2014 at 9:31pm
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Lovely Memories


Comment by Randolph Peters on March 25, 2014 at 12:19pm
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Thanks for the memories. West Side Story of course was "The Movie"; we were all Jets and knew all the songs. And this particular one, with that bass line reverberating in a jammed up St. Vincent Street, just past Globe cinema that J'ouvert morning was pure delight. BTW, speaking of Holman, one of his earliest compositions was a piece for Invaders called "Ray's Saga", composed while he was a teenager in college.  Anyone remember this? 

Comment by Glenroy R Joseph on March 25, 2014 at 11:57am
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Sorry, Michaele, I don't have that tune. To be honest, I don't recall ever hearing it either.

Comment by Michaele on March 25, 2014 at 11:17am
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@ GLENROY... See the older posts below.

Sandra, in 2011, asked for another cut on this record:

"Bes you is my woman now"  back WHEN YOU 1ST POSTED THIS.  

Can you post this NOW please? Arranged by Ray Holman.

Isn't it the original, from Porgy & Bess by Louis Armstrong..done also by Ella Fitgerald?


Talking about how to PROMOTE band music...I would love to have CDs now of

various steel pan arrangers, like a retropective...of what they have done...esp. prolific ones,

like Ray Holman..who has used many genres of song, to arrange for pan, over many years. 

Wish some one would take up a project like this.  ?? Musicilogists and recording enegineers...of TnT....

maybe UWI students  ??  Come on now...this is a MARKET for this type of CD...

Some one...set up a new record label...and re-record...package this music

for ALL THE WORLD TO LEARN FROM AND ENJOY !  Some other member, Cynthia,

posted another ACCURATE comment...this kind of music is like VINTAGE WINE.

My comment is not only highly drinkable & enjoyable...but MARKET-ABLE AND PROFITABLE !



Comment by Glenroy R Joseph on March 25, 2014 at 11:07am
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This sweet bomb tune is typical of the type of tunes the steelbands favored in the sixties, for parties and for the road.

I was watching the classic old musical movie "My Fair Lady" the other day ( I still have a weakness for old musicals), and it dawned on me that just about every tune in that movie was played by steelbands in the sixties, most at calypso tempo on the road.

We old time panmen were strongly influenced by musical movies back in the day.

I never liked musicals until I started "beatin' pan".

I remember once a group of us when to see "The Music Man", and next thing you know, we were playing "78 Trombones"!

On the road!

Comment by 911 on March 25, 2014 at 9:35am
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Nice to hear everybody talking about Starlift,But I guess that you all don't know anything about Starlift,If you all did't not call the name ERROL P. ZEPHYRINE.The greatest pan-aranger.I gone.

Comment by Steve "Carter" K. on November 20, 2012 at 8:29pm
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In Starlift you just had to Feel Pretty with all the Pretty Music and all those Pretty Dames . Indeed they are a very

Pretty Band .

Comment by david headley on November 22, 2011 at 7:55pm
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Ron Emrit the rest tune for "I feel pretty" was "Phospherine"......I say so because I get the impression you have the tunes as diffrent years

Comment by david headley on November 22, 2011 at 7:37pm
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I think 63 was de year they played ''Teenage Millionaire"

Comment by Cecil hinkson on November 21, 2011 at 11:33pm
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Ray  Holman one of the best arrangers in T'dad, will love to hear another panorama tune from him.

Comment by Sandra on November 21, 2011 at 11:14pm
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Nice One 4 Real!! Now, if you could post Ray's beautiful interpretation of "Bess You Is My Woman Now", that would set me straight for life!

Comment by Cynthia Edwards on November 21, 2011 at 10:11pm
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I love anything from Ray Holman. It is something about his arrangements it is like vintage wine.

Comment by Mercer Ramdoo on November 21, 2011 at 7:32pm
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Did they play 'fancy sailor that year?

Comment by morokoy on November 21, 2011 at 3:04pm
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First mas ah play.

Comment by Barry Mannette on July 8, 2011 at 12:19pm
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This is some great history!!!!!!!
Comment by Glenroy R Joseph on June 17, 2011 at 3:56pm
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The tune "Outcast" is also on the "Caribbean Carnival" album, so I guess "Outcast" and "I feel Pretty" were recorded on a 45RPM in '63, and then included in the compilation LP in '64.
Comment by Ronald C. Emrit on June 17, 2011 at 3:45pm
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I left Trinidad in August 1965 and the only LP we completed up to that time was for The Mighty Sparrow and his label; however, it did not include "I Feel Pretty."  We recorded four tunes after the 1963 Carnival "I Feel Pretty," :Accelerations Waltz," Eine Kleine Nacht Music," and "Outcast," all of which were packaged on two 45 RPM records.


Ron Emrit  

Comment by aldwyn jones on June 15, 2011 at 7:21pm
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Mr Joseph in your research 

is it possible to find recording of the Sundowners steelband from SAN Fernando They had  a few records around the 60s

they placed 3rd in the 60s music festival 2nd in the first panorama pan am came first and they and invaders made a film

called 18 on steel at us naval base at chag  thanks for your help 

keeo up the good work  alswyn jones

Comment by Glenroy R Joseph on June 15, 2011 at 1:39pm
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Thank you, Pelham.

You are probably correct about the date of the recording, but the compilation album "Caribbean Carnival' was listed as a 1964 album.
Comment by pelham goddard on June 15, 2011 at 1:18pm
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the year was 1963
Comment by Randi Curvan on June 15, 2011 at 1:06pm
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Thanks for putting the record straight Ron.

Seeing the line up of names it makes things clearer, very good memories none the less. 1964 -1966 3 of the best carnivals of my youth. Good music, Monday & Tuesday mas and in those days Starlift played at school fetes.

The best times

Comment by Hugh Haydn Anthony on June 15, 2011 at 12:46pm
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Thank you Ronald for setting the record straight about the arrangemnet of " I Feel Pretty". This is  yours and Ray's

school-mate Haydn Anthony

Comment by Hugh Haydn Anthony on June 15, 2011 at 12:42pm
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I am happy that you have done your home work and have given Ray his due for the arrangement of the tune.
Comment by Joseph Renaud on June 15, 2011 at 12:08pm
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An excellent and smooth rendition.  Good arrangement, well balanced - You could appreciate the making of a genius.


Joe Renaud,

Solo Harmonites Stel Orch.

Comment by Pan Times on June 15, 2011 at 11:51am
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Here is some additional information on the performers on this recording.  This is an incomplete list that we will update shortly... WST

Tenors: Daryl ..., Keith Agard (deceased), Ray Holman, David "Splav" Waddell, Ron Emrit, .. "Mouther Bee" Phillips (deceased).  Double Second: ... Harris, "Johno" Brown, Errol Brown, Clyde "Sugars" Wellington.  Guitars: Ian Jones, Selwyn Sharpe, Michael Phillips, "Shine" .... (deceased).  Bass:  Eddie Boom ..., ...  Iron:  Carlton "MyFan" Drayton (deceased), Albert "Philo" James (Captain), .. Stoute

Comment by Pan Times on June 13, 2011 at 7:34pm
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Thanks for checking in Ron.


Comment by Glenroy R Joseph on June 13, 2011 at 7:19pm
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Thanks for the update, Ron Emrit.

I always like to credit the arrangers out of appreciation for their work, and for the historical record; but I'm trying to be absolutely sure before I do.

(My friend Robbie likes to beat up on me when I make mistakes:)
Comment by Ronald C. Emrit on June 13, 2011 at 7:08pm
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... just two additional comments to set the record straight.  "I Feel Pretty" was arranged SOLELY by my good friend and former school-mate, Ray Holman.  We played Sparrow's commercial "Phospherine" in 1964, arranged by then-captain Albert "Philo" James.


Ron Emrit 

Comment by Ronald C. Emrit on June 13, 2011 at 7:03pm
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I played one of the six tenors that were used in this recording which was made in the panyard on Hunter Street after the 1963 Carnival.  I have not heard this replay since the mid-sixties, almost 45 years ago. Thanks for the memories.


Ron Emrit

Comment by Glenroy R Joseph on June 11, 2011 at 1:14pm
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Thank you Cecil. We try to entertain, but mostly to inform and educate.

I very much agree with your point about the difference between Pan and Steelband.

Only yesterday I was discussing the same thing with a friend who is knowledgeable on the subject and we agreed that the Pan and the Steelband(at least in Trinidad) were going in opposite directions.

I am glad to see that others recognizing that.Hopefully something can be done to buck the trend.
Comment by Cecil hinkson on June 11, 2011 at 12:55pm
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Glenroy you are the MVP on WST, I now look forward every day to what you have to say or what you have for me to listen to. What you are doing not only educate young pan people but bring back memories for the not so young like myself. My wish is for people to know that there is a difference between Pan and Steelband, pan is safe because it's all over the world, but steelband in Trinidad is in danger, there is no interest in promoting steelband and its music. I hope what you are doing help to show the powers that be that there is a need to bring back the respect that steelbands had in the sixties. Twenty years from  now no one would know what's the other tune  steelbands played in 2011, thank God in 1964 they recorded I Feel Pretty.


Comment by Steve "Carter" K. on June 11, 2011 at 11:53am
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Starlift lit up the place with this rendition . They made us all  " Feel Pretty " .  Thanks GRJ .
Comment by Glenroy R Joseph on June 11, 2011 at 10:41am
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Terry, you have many invaluable musical treasures in your collection.

Thank you for giving me the pleasure of enjoying them, and sharing them with pan people and Caribbean culture lovers.
Comment by Peter Gray on June 11, 2011 at 10:38am
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Another great contribution, Glenroy,  Thanks.




Comment by Hollis Marcelle on June 11, 2011 at 10:23am
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That is vintage Starlift
Comment by Milton Wire Austin on June 11, 2011 at 7:14am
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Glenroy  the arrranger of the band is Ray Holman.
Comment by terry on June 11, 2011 at 3:43am
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I bought this album in St. Kitts (1967) and it's one of the treasures

of my Calypso-Pan collection.....Still playable. Thanks Glen.

Comment by Randi Curvan on June 11, 2011 at 2:45am
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By the way, I thought I was the only one with a playable copy still alive.

Ha Ha

Comment by Randi Curvan on June 11, 2011 at 2:43am
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This tune was the main reason for me going down to starlift panyard (then on Hunter street). I was 14 then and just loved to see Splav play that double second. As far as arrangement is concerned it may have been a collaboration between Philo, Ray, Splav and to a lesser extent Winston Phillips. They also played Sparrow's Phospherine Advert tune that year.much to everyone's surprise.
Sweet Memories
Comment by Yasmin Armstrong Brito on June 10, 2011 at 10:32pm
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This tune made me connect a new member to When Steel Talks.  This person, my pan arranger who I give props for introducing me to this beautiful instrument.  Upon seeing the title Starlift Steel Orchestra "I Feel Pretty 1964", I recalled Mr. Raymond Henry's (residing in Canada) arrangement for Schlumberger Sundowners Steel Orchestra (Vistabella, South Trinidad); this was my introduction to the then five bass.  I was just 11 and female at the math.  Would you believe, I actually sang his arrangement to Mr. Henry after such a long tiime.  I am still playing worshiping music on the tenor pan in a Toronto church band.  I Love this music!
Comment by Cecil hinkson on June 10, 2011 at 10:17pm
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Glenroy it could be Philo James, he was the captain around that time.
Comment by Glenroy R Joseph on June 10, 2011 at 9:47pm
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Does anyone know who arranged this piece for Starlift?
Comment by Keith Cassiram on June 10, 2011 at 9:25pm
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This is definitely one of the "prettiest" tunes not (never) being played on the radio stations. These are Classics that should never be forgotten - Sleigh Ride by Pan Am, Little Drummer Boy by West Side, et at. Uncle Bob must be very disappointed !!

Cassi for PAN.


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