When Steel Talks (WST) extends Happy Birthday greetings to veteran panist, arranger, educator, administrator and international steelband activist Aquil Arrindell


Aquil Arrindell

Happy Birthday to Aquil Arrindell

February 8th

When Steel Talks extends Birthday Greetings to panist, Aquil Arrindell

On separating himself from the former executive board of Pan Trinbago “..if there was a fight between the players and the executive then as an executive member I would be standing on the wrong side. I am a player before anything else. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life”... - Aquil Arrindell
Aquil Arrindell is confident that his relentless fight and actions as they relate to bringing fairness and fair play to the steelband community in Trinidad and Tobago will land him on the right side of history. Buoyed by his own sense of right and wrong and with his principles as his guide, Aquil says he is committed to making that positive difference in the lives of the panists in Trinidad and Tobago.

Aquil Arrindell De Caires

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