Happy Birthday to panist, musician and educator Jahlani Roberts - October 21


Meet Jahlani Roberts - Panist, Arranger & Educator - UpClose!

In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks, panist Jahlani Roberts speaks on his love of the steelpan instrument and how it has changed his life and future.

The extremely talented, articulate, charismatic and forward-thinking Jahlani Roberts is highly intelligent. Full of exuberance for the steelpan art form and knows which way is up. Moreover, he is a do-er not a talker

Jahlani has invested in his vision of what can be and should be with ‘both feet’ in. Never standing still, he has carved out a space within the performing arts sector where he can be most effective and impactful. A quick learner and study, he has turned his experiences and challenges into fuel, opportunities and a road map for success.

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