Dynamic Steel Project Presents: A Tribute to Caribbean Women of Steel


Time: April 1, 2023 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Location: Joe's Movement Emporium
Street: 3309 Bunker Hill Road Mount Rainier,
City/Town: MD 20712
Website or Map: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/…
Event Type: concert

Organized By: Dynamic Steel Project, Khandeya "Kay" Sheppard and Khandeya Sheppard

Dynamic Steel Project is a Caribbean-American fusion ensemble based in the Baltimore-Washington area that aims to provide high quality, multi-genre musical experiences featuring the STEELPAN for audiences of all ages. Join us for a special tribute to Caribbean Women in the diaspora who have been adding to the landscape of performance, composition, and arrangements in steelpan music! Coming out of Women’s History Month and starting Jazz Appreciation Month and Celebrate Diversity Month, we want to amplify the often unrepresented works of female composers and arrangers in a typically male-dominated arena. It will be an experience you don’t want to miss!

Special guest performers to include CAFE’s Positive Vibrations Youth Steel Orchestra, pianist Joseph Bowens, and vocalists Erika Reign & Ryan Collins! Featured artwork by Elizabeth Caesar and Sharniece Bowens

This event is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council (msac.org) & the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University. To discover more about the Maryland State Arts Council and how they impact Maryland, visit msac.org. To learn more about the Peabody Institute, visit peabody.jhu.edu.


More About Dynamic Steel Project

Led by Khandeya Sheppard, DSP is comprised of a team of brilliant musicians and educators who have performed together in varying capacities which provides an atmosphere that fosters musical creativity and expression. DSP is devoted to the future of steelpan and is dedicated to educating audiences about the history and culture of the national instrument of Trinidad & Tobago.

DSP members are available for steelpan lessons, educational workshops and performances with the goal of bring the communities together using the medium of the steelpan and music.

Dynamic Steel Project - The Band

Khandeya Sheppard, Music Director - Tenor

Belinda Caesar - Double Seconds

Candice Thomas - Double Guitar

Carl Cunningham - Four Cello

Anthony Stubbs - Bass

Jeremy Caesar - Drumset/Percussion

Joseph Bowens - Keyboards

Guest Artists

Elizabeth Caesar & Sharniece Bowens - Visual Artists

Erika Reign & Ryan Collins - Vocals

Positive Vibrations Youth Steel Orchestra, under the direction of Domenic Lewis & Ronald Lee


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